Just the facts: how to treat COVID with metformin

Have you or someone you know just been diagnosed with COVID-19? To understand how to treat COVID symptoms and how to get rid of COVID fast, you need to know the facts about COVID treatment with metformin!

What is metformin?

Metformin is a common diabetes drug that’s inexpensive and safe. Over 20 million people in the U.S. use metformin, and it’s available worldwide. It has also been used for years off-label to treat obesity, cardiovascular disease, and high blood pressure (which are also risk factors for poor outcomes after COVID-19 infection).

How can metformin treat COVID-19 symptoms?

Metformin reduced serious outcomes by 42% when taken within 7 days of COVID symptoms. We’re talking about reducing emergency room visits, hospitalization, and even death! When taken within 3 days after symptoms, metformin reduced serious outcomes by over 50%. These results came from the COVID-OUT trial, a rigorous clinical trial organized by the University of Minnesota that included more than 1,300 individuals with COVID-19. The participants were 30-85 years old with overweight or obesity; they received metformin for 2 weeks in 500 mg pills (one pill on day 1, twice a day for 4 days, then 500 mg in the a.m. and 1000 mg in the p.m. for 9 days).

Does metformin influence Long COVID, too?

When taken within four days of COVID-19 symptom, metformin reduced Long COVID by 63%. Get more details on the COVID-OUT trial here.

What if I’ve been vaccinated for COVID-19? Will metformin still help?

Yes, metformin can still reduce serious outcomes of COVID-19. Many of the people in the COVID-OUT trial were vaccinated.

I’m pregnant, can I take metformin for COVID-19?

Yes, metformin is safe to use if you’re pregnant. The COVID-OUT trial included participants who were pregnant.

How can I get metformin?

If you have COVID-19, it’s best to start metformin right away. Talk to your doctor and share the info about metformin from our COVID-19 webpage with all the details. If you’re already taking metformin for diabetes, check with your doctor to see if your prescription is adequate for COVID.

The Parsemus Foundation is proud to have supported the COVID-OUT clinical trial. We hope that countries around the world update their treatment guidelines to include metformin as a highly effective, safe, and inexpensive treatment for COVID-19.

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