Hormonally: every woman’s ally in understanding hormonal health

Hormonally is a new nonprofit dedicated to promoting equal access to evidence-based information on women’s hormone health. The organization has announced the launch of its new online platform. Hormonally’s mission is to empower women to make informed choices about their hormonal health by providing access to reliable information. The Parsemus Foundation is proud to have provided the support to start this important endeavor.

Why you need evidence-based information on women’s hormonal health

Every person with ovaries faces a different health journey. A common thread is the underlying impact of hormones on physical and psychological health. Hormones are involved in almost every bodily function, from sexual health to mental wellness. Women also experience changes in hormone levels daily, monthly, and over their lifetime. This complicated biology can be difficult to understand and is especially distressing if you experience health problems. But finding the right information at the right time can be difficult.

  • 80% of teens say that they are taught more about the biology of frogs than about the biology of women.
  • 8 million women are currently experiencing postpartum depression.
  • 78% of women feel that menopause negatively affects their lives.
  • 80% of women living with chronic pain experienced gender discrimination from a healthcare provider.

To many, the statistics are eye-opening. But for the millions of women who have struggled to access reliable information on health questions from periods to menopause, the issues hit close to home. Many women have felt bias when seeking help from a doctor or other healthcare professional. Some are afraid to ask “personal” questions due to embarrassment or the fear of being brushed aside.

Hormonally is here to fill this gap in hormone knowledge and support. Hormonally.org is designed to be more than a website. The organization’s ambition is for Hormonally to become a movement designed to break the stigma surrounding access to care and support for women struggling with their hormonal health. It’s achieving this by encouraging open conversations and proactive self-care. The platform is user-friendly, ensuring accessibility for individuals of all ages and backgrounds.

What you’ll find on Hormonally.org

Hormonally.org has been designed to be a comprehensive resource hub, offering expert-backed insights, articles, and tools designed to assist women in navigating different hormonal health challenges. The online platform addresses a wide range of topics, including hormonal conditions, hormonal changes during different life stages, treatment options, and holistic approaches to maintaining hormonal balance.

Key features of Hormonally.org include:

  1. Expert-Authored Content: Hormonally has a team of seasoned experts in women’s health, nutrition, and wellness who contribute in-depth articles designed to guide, educate, and empower users.
  2. Interactive Tools: The platform offers interactive tools and resources to help users better understand their hormonal health. Symptom checklists are available to download, and Hormonally strives to make content feel tailored to women’s needs.
  3. Community Support: Hormonally fosters a supportive online community where individuals can share their experiences, ask questions, and find encouragement from others navigating similar hormonal health challenges.
  4. Latest Research Updates: Users can remain informed about the latest advancements in hormonal health through the platform’s curated collection of research updates.

Who is Hormonally?

Hormonally is a project of the Parsemus Foundation, stemming from our focus on evidence-based health information and empowering individuals to make the best decisions for themselves, their families, and their pets. Lauren Redfern, Ph.D. is the Executive Director of — and visionary behind — Hormonally. Her background is in contraception and women’s health research and education.

“We believe that everyone deserves to have access to the information and tools needed to take control of their hormonal health,” Dr. Redfern said. “Our platform is a one-stop destination for reliable, trustworthy information that supports women to feel in control of their hormonal health outcomes. Hormonally actively fosters community and is committed to empowering individuals to embrace their hormonal well-being.”

Hormonally is independently funded with no affiliated relationship with the pharmaceutical industry or with companies that do not have women’s best interests at heart. The organization operates through public donations and fees for trainings. Visit Hormonally.org for more information.

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