Project Summary
Enlarged prostate – or benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) – is a common problem in older males. Based on a highly successful treatment of BPH using pulsed electromagnetic field (PEMF) therapy in dogs, the Parsemus Foundation supported a small clinical trial in men to see if the positive results translated to humans. PEMF therapy for enlarged prostate significantly reduced symptoms and prostate volume, although the reduction was not as extensive as in the canine model. The results of these studies offer hope for a non-invasive, drug-free treatment for enlarged prostate.
NEW: Infographic showing typical symptoms as a man ages and his prostate enlarges.
BPH Quiz: Find out if you have benign prostatic hyperplasia
Wondering if you might have BPH? Take the BPH Symptom Score Questionnaire to gain some insight. This tool asks about your urinary symptoms from BPH and gives you a score based on how severe your symptoms are. Your score on this questionnaire may help you think about if and how you want to treat the problem. The tool is based on the American Urological Association (AUA) Symptom Index.
- Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) is enlargement of the prostate gland that is a common age-related disease in men.
- BPH can cause lower urinary tract issues, such as urgency and frequency of urination, and may even lead to bladder, kidney or urinary tract damage.
- Current treatment options for men with BPH include medications such as alpha-blockers or surgical interventions.
- Treatments can carry significant side effects, including ejaculatory problems and erectile dysfunction.
- The least invasive treatment is a dietary supplement (saw palmetto) with inconclusive benefits.
- A non-surgical, drug-free treatment of BPH would provide relief for millions of men worldwide.
- The Parsemus Foundation supported a study of pulsed electromagnetic frequency (PEMF) therapy in older dogs that suffered from BPH. The study was highly successful, providing over 50% reduction in the size of the prostate gland with just 3 weeks of therapy.
- A small clinical trial has been completed, with promising results including reduced symptoms and prostate size in men who received PEMF therapy.
- Additional research is needed to optimize the positive impacts of PEMF on enlarged prostate, with the goal of offering an inexpensive, noninvasive remedy to this common ailment.
Project Topics
What is benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH)?
BPH is an age-related enlargement of the prostate gland. BPH is one of the most frequent medical problems in elderly males. In humans, it can result in urinary tract problems, obstruction of the urethra, sexual dysfunction, and blood in the urine. One of the most frequent symptoms is having to get up to use the bathroom multiple times during the night.
BPH results from urogenital aging, although the etiology is not precisely known. Traditional treatment options for men with BPH include medications such as alpha-blockers or surgical interventions. Side effects of treatments may include the inability to ejaculate, retrograde ejaculation (semen flows backwards into the bladder), erectile dysfunction, and even loss of bladder control. Some men affected have reported that taking saw palmetto, an herbal supplement, gives them relief but clinical evidence for its effectiveness is not conclusive. Clearly, effective and less invasive treatments for this common disease are needed.
PEMF therapy to treat men with BPH
Only two studies had previously investigated the use of PEMF to treat BPH symptoms in men, both with positive results using an in-office magnetotherapy device. A 2011 study in 20 humans indicated that clinical symptoms of BPH were significantly reduced after PEMF application and that the effect lasted at least 12 months. A second 2017 study in 60 men compared PEMF therapy – with and without exercise – to controls (not receiving treatment). The scientists found significantly improved urinary symptoms with both treatment groups.The Parsemus Foundation collaborated with medical researchers from Sapienza University in Rome on a small trial using a similar treatment regimen and handheld PEMF device as used in the successful canine study. After one month of treatment (5 mins twice a day) with a Magcell® Microcirc PEMF device, the 27 patients had significantly decreased symptoms and a median decrease of 5.4% of prostate size. Men with moderate-severe lower urinary tract symptoms and without metabolic syndrome (a cluster of conditions that include increased blood pressure, high blood sugar, and excess body fat around the waist) benefited more from the treatment. The study was published in Andrology.
While more research is needed in men to optimize the results, those who are particularly bothered by BPH symptoms, haven’t had success with herbal medicine (like saw palmetto), do not have prostate cancer, and don’t want surgery may decide in conjunction with their doctors to get one of the PEMF devices and try it.

How does pulsed electromagnetic field therapy work?
The mechanism of action of PEMF on BPH is not exactly known and could involve several modalities. The electromagnetic field is produced by a device that reduces inflammation by promoting growth of new blood vessels, dilation of blood vessels, and tissue remodeling, all without producing any heat. The overall effect is reduction in tissue hypoxia. By reducing inflammation, PEMF may prevent complications or may play a role in reducing changes linked to BPH and related conditions. By producing an increase in blood circulation, PEMF may also help to prevent secondary complications caused by reduced arterial blood flow such as prostatitis (inflammation of the prostate gland) and improve BPH symptoms.
Note that men who have prostate cancer or an elevated prostate-specific antigen (PSA) level should not use PEMF until they are able to confirm through testing that they do not have prostate cancer. There are studies showing some benefit of PEMF on cancer cells, but research on the impact of PEMF on cancer is still at an early stage. Prostate cancer patients should consult with their healthcare team before trying any complementary treatments such as PEMF.
Take Action
To learn more about the use of PEMF to treat enlarged prostate, review the scientific publications and share them with your physician. The devices used in the studies were made by Physiomed Elektromedizin AG in Germany. They offer the Magcell Microcirc (for humans) and Magcell Vetri (for animals). Both appear to have the same power and settings (although the Microcirc is not available in the US yet).
Additional Resources
PEMF Studies
- Elgohary, H. M., Tantawy, S. A. (2017). Pulsed electromagnetic field with or without exercise therapy in the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia. J Phys Ther Sci, 29(8), 1305–1310. (Available online)
- Giannakopoulos XK, Giotis C, Karkabounas SCh, Verginadis II, Simos YV, Peschos D, Evangelou AM. (2011). Effects of pulsed electromagnetic fields on benign prostate hyperplasia. Int Urol Nephrol 43(4):955-60. (Available online)
- Tenuta M, Tarsitano MG, Mazzotta P et al. (2020). Therapeutic use of pulsed electromagnetic field therapy reduces prostate volume and lower urinary tract symptoms in benign prostatic hyperplasia. Andrology. Feb 23. (Available online). Press release.
- Personal story of one man’s success in using the Magcell Microcirc to treat benign prostatic hyperplasia. (Available online)
Review of BPH treatments (not including PEMF)
- Fouad Aoun, Quentin Marcelis, and Thierry Roumeguère (2015). “Minimally invasive devices for treating lower urinary tract symptoms in benign prostate hyperplasia: technology update”. Res Rep Urol 2015; 7: 125–136. (Available online)
- Sperry BW, Summers S, Patel D, et al. (2021). A practical approach for primary care practitioners to evaluate and manage lower urinary tract symptoms and benign prostatic hyperplasia. Fed Pract 38(12): 573–581 (Full text available online)
PEMF device used in study
- Magcell Microcirc is available from Physiomed Elektromedizin in Germany or distributors in other countries.
- While the Microcirc is not yet available in the U.S., the Magcell Vetri (a similar veterinary model used in the canine study) can be obtained from the U.S. distributor:Kismet Holdings GroupEmail: info@magcellvetri.comTel: 423-313-6157Website: magcellvetri.com
- Magcell products are available in Canada through Remington Medical and Urology Health Store.
- Last updated on January 24, 2025
Tell us what you think
What People Are Saying
Many urologists have no knowledge of PEMF. I have full body PEMF mat, I have been lying on the mat for 30 minutes per day, in three weeks I have noticeable improvement in my BPH symptoms, reduced my bathroom visits by 50%.
Anonymous, June 2024
The electromagnetic treatment from the PEMF device produced a significant reduction (average 57%) in prostatic volume in three weeks of treatment.
Leoci et al., 2014
The efficacy of PEMF (pulsed electromagnetic field therapy) on BPH in dogs, with no side effects, suggests the suitability of this treatment in humans and supports the hypothesis that impairment of blood supply to the lower urinary tract may be a causative factor in the development of BPH.
Leoci et al., 2014
It would be great to have a new option such as pulsed electromagnetic field therapy for BPH. The preliminary study in an animal model is promising, but we need more research to determine how effective (and safe) this procedure would be in human men.
Alan Shindel, MD
Benign prostatic hyperplasia is an important and under-recognized health issue for men. There is a great need for development of effective and safe alternatives to current treatment options.
Abraham Morgentaler, MD, FACS
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