COVID-OUT Media Resources

Video and Audio Files, and Transcripts

Video clips - English language

Intriguing clues, then randomized trial

Elaine Lissner, Trustee
Parsemus Foundation

Inclusiveness and representation

Elaine Lissner, Trustee
Parsemus Foundation

Reducing barriers to quick use

Elaine Lissner, Trustee
Parsemus Foundation

Lessons for the future

Elaine Lissner, Trustee
Parsemus Foundation

Transcripts for all media files on this page

A Word document of all transcripts

Elaine Lissner, Trustee
Parsemus Foundation

Video clips - Spanish language

Disponibilidad en América Latina

Elaine Lissner, Fideicomisaria
Fundación Parsemus

Audio clips - English language

It’s natural that people will be cautious

Elaine Lissner, Trustee
Parsemus Foundation

Many people will ask

Elaine Lissner, Trustee
Parsemus Foundation

The study tested three medications head to head

Elaine Lissner, Trustee
Parsemus Foundation

Audio clips - Spanish language

Se trataba de justicia global

Elaine Lissner, Fideicomisaria
Fundación Parsemus

Audio clips - Portuguese language

Uma solução disponível para todos

Elaine Lissner, Fiduciária
Parsemus Foundation

Algo que toda família poderia manter à mão

Elaine Lissner, Fiduciária
Parsemus Foundation

We’re sorry, you are not eligible for the nationwide COVID-OUT or ACTIV-6 studies, but you may be eligible for other federal trials:

And if you don’t find a match there, this slightly more complex clinical trials finder includes studies sponsored by companies as well:

Trials Today