No one wants to talk about enlarged prostate

Its a condition that doesn’t often make headlines. Getting up multiple times in the middle of the night to use the bathroom may not seem like a big deal, but if you are a man over 50 years of age, it may indicate that you have an enlarged prostate. Scientists call it benign prostatic hyperplasia – or BPH – and these minor symptoms can become much worse over time. Sexual dysfunction, urinary tract infection and other problems may result in your doctor diagnosing drugs or even surgery. But now there is some hope for a different treatment option. A study in dogs (who get the same condition) has shown that pulsed electromagnetic field therapy can greatly reduce the size of the prostate. This study supported by Parsemus Foundation was recently published in The Prostate by Dr. Raffaella Leoci and colleagues. They found that there was a 57% decrease on average in the size of the prostate over just three weeks of treatment. And the procedure is totally noninvasive – just hold the hand-held device over the prostate for a few minutes each day. For more information, check out our new prostate webpage on this topic

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