Category: Programs

L.R. Fox of NEXT Life Sciences and Elaine Lissner of the Parsemus Foundation

Passing the Vasalgel torch

Two years ago, the Parsemus Foundation partnered with NEXT Life Sciences to prepare Vasalgel — the non-hormonal, long-lasting, and reversible male contraceptive — for human

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The dangers of low-value healthcare as shown by an MRI scan

The dangers of low-value healthcare

Overused, unnecessary, or low-value healthcare options can have significant negative effects on patients, providers, and the healthcare system. This is partly due to cascading effects

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We’re sorry, you are not eligible for the nationwide COVID-OUT or ACTIV-6 studies, but you may be eligible for other federal trials:

And if you don’t find a match there, this slightly more complex clinical trials finder includes studies sponsored by companies as well:

Trials Today